Usually windows will take 30 to 2 mins to shutdown the system .. Here is a tip that will give us the power to shutdown…
The new face of application theming , personas . You can change the style what ever you like at any time . no need to…
Normally sequences are not exported if we give partial export. For such cases we can use sql to generate quries for sequence droping and creating…
In Oracle there is a easy way to track the current queries processed by the database. Suppose you want to track the Insert queries in…
Here is the query to get the locked tables in oracle SELECT l.inst_id,SUBSTR(L.ORACLE_USERNAME,1,8) ORA_USER, SUBSTR(L.SESSION_ID,1,3) SID, S.serial#, SUBSTR(O.OWNER||’.’||O.OBJECT_NAME,1,40) OBJECT, P.SPID OS_PID, DECODE(L.LOCKED_MODE, 0,’NONE’, 1,’NULL’, 2,’ROW…