How to track queries in oracle ..
In Oracle there is a easy way to track the current queries processed by the database.
Suppose you want to track the Insert queries in your DB .
then for that use this query
select substr(sql_text,instr(sql_text,’INTO “‘),30) table_name,
round((sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,’yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss’))*24*60,1) minutes,
trunc(rows_processed/((sysdate-to_date(first_load_time,’yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss’))*24*60)) rows_per_min
from sys.v_$sqlarea
where sql_text like ‘INSERT %INTO “%‘
and command_type = 2
and open_versions > 0;
Replace the text in blue color (‘INSERT %INTO “%‘) According to your purpose
Hi, very nice post. I have been wonder’n bout this issue,so thanks for posting